How NFT Marketing Works Via Twitter Social media plays an essential role in NFT marketing. Creating a buzz and building awareness around your project are two important aspects of NFT marketing. Social media is global and interconnected, so conversations can spread and grow in many other ways. These interactions are what create popularity and demand for your NFT. To create a buzz, use Twitter and other social media to promote your NFT. Here are a few tips for successful NFT marketing on Twitter. Create a strong NFT community To build a successful NFT project, a strong community is critical. Without a strong community, your project is doomed. You need loyal customers and people who will be eager to support your new launches. Twitter and Discord are great places to start building a community. Both platforms allow you to interact with your audience in real-time and curate personalized content. To get started, follow the Twitter accounts of several leading NFT projects, and start following them on Twitter. You can create interesting activities on Discord with the help of Discord bots. Discord bots provide features such as trivia, moderation, and more. Build a solid team and keep communication lines open. NFT projects require a great deal of collaboration and communication, and a strong community manager can be a crucial part of that team. Community management is an important part of any NFT project, and a community manager can help you maintain communication and keep people happy. As a NFT community owner, you […]